Alberto Santos Dumont

Alberto SantosDumont was a Brazilian aviation pioneer. The heir of a wealthy family of coffee producers, Santos Dumont dedicated himself to aeronautical study and experimentation in Paris, France, where he spent most of his adult life.

SantosDumont was born onJuly 1873 in Cabangu in the Brazilian town of Palmira in the state of Minas Gerais in southeast Brazil. He was youngest of the seven children born to Henrique Dumont, an engineer of French descent, and Francisca de Paula Santos. Shortly after Albertos birth his father became the manager of a coffee plantation on land owned by his wifes family, and when Alberto was eight his father bought land on which he established a plantation of his own in Ribeiro Preto, state of So Paulo. His father made extensive use of the latest laborsaving inventions on his plantation, and these innovations were so successful that SantosDumonts father accumulated a large fortune and became known as the Coffee King of Brazil.

Source: Wikipedia